Sunday, October 12, 2008

Implementing CALL in the Malaysian Secondary Classroom

If you had the chance would you utilize ICT (CALL) in your teaching?

definitely yes. it will attract the student's attention better than the traditional chalk and talk.

How do you think it would help (or would not help) your students to learn English?

1. as it is interesting it will motivate the students to learn more.
2. using computer will surely attract the student's interest in learning.
3. by using and utilizing ESL programs and websites.

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing CALL in the Malaysian schools?

1. lessons will be more interesting
2. students will not only learning language but also learning the computer at the same time.
3. teachers will saves time and money.

1. students may not use the computer for learning purposes if not supervised.

What are the barriers in implementing CALL in the Malaysian classroom?

1. the sufficient facilities provided
2. well trained teachers
3. Student's attitudes


Izaham Shah Ismail said...


salina said...

true true. if not properly supervised, students might use the computer and Internet wrongly!

aj madzalan said...


stuju with all u said. cept that i have a question, how do u suggest we overcome the matter as stated in the disadvantages of implemetning ict?

we are all realize of the possibility of such occurence, tapi, how do we suggest to overcomet the matter? any idea?

Nad said...

maybe the placing of the computers?so that the teacher can see what the students are doing without to move much. maybe in a round manner with all the monitor facing the center, and the teacher's table in the's that?

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